July 21, 2020 In News By

IMPART researcher pushes towards anti-racism classes

Juliana Prestes is collaborating with community groups such as the New Brunswick Black History Society and PRUDE Inc., and calling for racial ethics and Black history classes to be made part of the sentence if a 47-year-old man convicted for his actions during a Black Lives Matter protest in Moncton, New Brunswick. Read TODAY@Dal      

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May 8, 2020 In News By

NATIONAL POST: IMPART Founders on COVID-19 pandemic

IMPART founders Dr. Ansar Hassan and Dr. Jean-Francois Legare: With the coronavirus pandemic leading to reduced demand for many health services, we have an opportunity to see if we can find ways to deliver more efficient health care in the future.   FULL ARTICLE: https://nationalpost.com/opinion/opinion-on-covid-19-an-opportunity-to-re-examine-how-we-provide-health-care

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