Fundamental, Clinical, and Translational research — each piece a part of the whole picture.
The IMPART investigator team is a national virtual research institute headquartered at Dalhousie Medicine New Brunswick in Saint John, NB. Our team is composed of 45 academic and clinical partners across 8 universities and 6 provinces, as well as 25 community and funding agency members, 15 private sector company representatives, and two provincial government departments. IMPART’s mission is to think boldly and utilize our network to improve the outcomes of vulnerable patient populations, starting always with innovation developed and tested in New Brunswick. We apply intersectional thinking between social and medical innovation and have brought together a diverse and inclusive team of experts to support activities from fundamental research to applied interventions with vulnerable populations.
Our team is aligned with three core principles represented in our name and our practices:
IM = Inflammation & Metabolism: These are the threads that allow cancer to hide and escape from the immune system or defend against chemotherapy, promote weight gain and fibrotic remodelling to cause disease and leave us susceptible to physical and mental stress.
PA = Physical Ability: This is our capacity for exercise and movement, the physical and medical constraints of our bodies that determine how much or how little exercise we enjoy or can tolerate. It is essential to keeping frailty at bay and in the prevention and rehabilitation of patients. The threads that limit us here, can cause disease or limit our ability to recover.
RT = Research Translation: This is how we move our science into clinical practice, by advocating for change, assisting in the commercialization of new technologies and promoting best-in-class practices to care for our patients, especially those most vulnerable in our communities.