Dr. Sowmya Somanath

Health Technology Designer

Dr. Sowmya Somanath is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Victoria. At UVic, she leads the Creative Experiences Lab, which broadly focuses on topics in the area of Human-Computer Interaction. Nowadays the group is working on several projects that involve studying and designing tools that can help people create digital and physical artefacts using technology (such as electronics, fabrication devices, AR, VR). The group also researches other topics related to studying and designing new physical interactions with technologies such as with autonomous vehicles, wearable cyborg limbs and haptic devices. Before joining UVic, Dr. Somanath was an Assistant Professor at Ontario College of Art and Design University. She completed her PhD from the University of Calgary in 2017, and before moving to Canada, lived, studied and worked in Bengaluru, India.
